my recent diary
Mainly, I use
the following materials since the end of October, 2018.
Telescope: D: 45.5cm f: 2037mm
Dobsomian (Newtonian reflector)
Eyepiece: and magnification:
Ethos 21 mm, apparent FOV 100 deg. 97x, actual FOV 1.0 deg.
Night Vison ACT PVS-14 Photonis
4G INTENS 1800 Auto gate P45 WP
Lavendura 63mm, apparent FOV 45 deg. with Paracorr, x37,
actual FOV 1.2 deg.
Sunday, January 12
I went on a comet hunting everyday Wednesday Jan. 1 through Monday Jan. 6
thanks to good weather at the beginning of the month. Among those days,
the forecast predicted clear sky on Thursday, and I drove to the observing
site. However, it was cloudy at the site and there was no expectation to
recover, and I returned back to my home. On Sunday, soon after I started
comet hunting clouds began to cover the sky, and I searched only 20 min in
Observation site with slight snow cover. The photo was taken after the
session on Saturday, Jan. 11.
Yesterday, Saturday Jan. 11, it was cloudy around my house, however, the
Super Computer Weather predicted recovery of the weather.
Unexpectedly, soon after I left home for the site, snow started to
flicker. I did not care and drove around 10 min, but snow began to fall in
earnest. I parked my car to confirm the radar image using my smart phone,
but no snow clouds. I headed to the site believing the forecast. At 3:45am
local time, I arrived at the site and it was snowing but I could see some
stars through thin clouds. There was slight snow accumulation there. I
decided to wait for the recovery of the weather.
At 4:15am, it stopped snowing and starry sky began to open up. I set up my
telescope and was ready to observe at 5:00am. In summer I am ready to
observe within 30 min after arrival, but in winter it takes 45 to 50 min:
wearing polar jackets, pants and boots, preparing disposal chemical heater
for my back and toes, slow motion due to low temperature. The thermometer
indicated the air temperature of -8C. It was windless but the coldest
predawn chill this winter.
When I lived in Niigata Prefecture, I observed at the site with the
altitude of over 900 m above sea level in summer, while 430 m above sea
level in winter because the roads are closed due to snow. The record low
of the air temperature at that time was -8C. The coldest record during
comet hunting session after moving to Kumamoto was -9C at the present
observation site with the altitude of 850 m.
On Saturday before the comet hunting session, I observed Omega Centauri
that rose 4 above the horizon with Ethos 21 mm, 97x. Although it was
slightly dark because it was still low altitude (9 at the meridian), the
cluster contains a great number of stars and impressive enough as the most
beautiful globular cluster in the entire sky.
I started sweeping the sky from Librae, Zubenelgenubi at 5:04am. The
deep sky objects I encountered were NGC5796, 5897, a pair of galaxies 5915
and 5916, M4, M30, M62 and M19. When I spotted NGC5915 (magnitude of
12.3), I identified it referring to SkySsafari 7 Pro, a digital map. On
the map, a darker galaxy, NGC5916 (magnitude of 13.2), was shown in the
south of NGC5915 and I noticed in the FOV.
NGC5915 (center) and 5916 (lower center). The image is 30f in width
The Digitized Sky Survey copyright © 1994
Double stars looked beautiful since a glass eyepiece was used for the
session instead of Night Vision that produces black and white images. The
most impressive one during the session was Scorpii. The primary star was
golden and the secondary light blue. The scintillation deformed them and
it looked like they were smiling and dancing.
I stayed at the site after the comet hunting session that ended at 6:21am,
30 min after the start of the twilight, to observe C/2024 G3 ATLAS. The
comet rose at 6:29am, but there were clouds at the low altitude and I
could not observe the comet. The clouds moved slowly, and I continued
observation. At 6:41am, I found the comet with a tail 0.1 long using 7x50
mm binocular. The altitude of the object was 1.2. I could not see it with
naked eyes. The comet was visible for a while disappearing in and out of
the clouds. I could not aim the 46 cm telescope at the comet because
grasses at the site hided the comet. While I was taking down my telescope,
the sun rose at the direction where the comet rose. I visited
the site hundreds of times, but this was the first time I saw sunrise
here. It was so refreshing to watch the sunrise after observing the bright
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