Down jacket and down pants
The manufacturer is Valandré, France. Usually, I put these clothes on October through May. Purchased circa 2003. At that time, they were expensive; the jacket cost some 100,000JPYen ($1,000) and the pants did 35,000JPYen ($350) but they are light weight, warm and worth it. The only drawback for this jacket is that the zip often catches the material.
Mont-bell lightweight down clothing. I wear it even in
summer at a high altitude observing site.
Underwear and socks
These are high-tech wear, eBreath Thermof, supplied by Mizno.
Moisture absorbing and heat generating fiber. It generates heat by
absorbing moisture released from human body. It works and nice! The
effect of the technology is evident when one compares this wear with
usual one.
Glove, cap, and headlight
Upper left: gloves made of moisture absorbing and heat generating fiber
and compatible with smartphones, upper center:
wool cap, upper right: headlight (Vixen).
Lower left: rubber gloves worn over the gloves on
the upper left when I set up my telescope, lower right: outer
gloves worn over the gloves on upper left when I observe.
Foot wear
Baffin states that this boots is suitable as low as -100 degrees Celsius. Actually, my foot is cooled from the bottom of the boots, and I cannot put up with the coldness under the ambient temperature of only -5 degrees Celsius! That is the reason why I wear high-tech socks with the chemical heating pad. I wonder what is the basis of the Baffinfs claim.
The heater installed vest. The capacity of the mobile battery is
Disposal chemical heater pads for socks and for body that I put on my
Heaters on my body